2011年11月4日 星期五

Happy and Healthy with Dark Chocolate Truffles

Yes, you read it right; eating dark chocolates is healthy. People have made that generalization that anything so heavenly-tasting must be sinful just like chocolates. That is a myth; at least not with dark chocolate, like dark chocolate bars and dark chocolate truffles.         

Even dark chocolate truffles , those craved-to-die-for sweets, can not only make one happy but healthier too. Have you seen the movie “Legally Blonde”? Reese Witherspoon in the role of Elle Woods, the lawyer, said , “Well, just like exercise, dark chocolate produces endorphins and endorphins make people happy”. Is this what makes chocolates so special as it wraps a chocolate-eater with contentment and love?

The truth is chocolates contain about 500 compounds. There are some that have mood enhancing effects such as the caffeine and theobromine which are both stimulants, and phenylethylamine (PEA). Just like what Elle Woods appropriately said, endorphins make people happy and that endorphin can be released in the brain and that is what PEA do. Interesting is the fact that endorphin is in high amounts in the brains of people who are in love.

Consuming dark chocolate that includes dark chocolate truffles has many healthy benefits too. Coronary diseases and hypertension are amongst those addressed because of the polyphenols specifically flavanols in cocoa and chocolates that effectively relaxes and opens up blood vessels. It is really amazing that chocolates can: lower blood pressure; suppress building up of plaques blocking arteries; prevent blood clots. Chocolates also have anti-oxidant properties that fend off free-radicals due to its flavanol content. Free-radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can damage healthy, normal cells. They can notably speed up early aging. So, eating chocolate can recharge your antioxidant capacity to look healthier and younger. Now that is a delectable way to looking and feeling good, isn’t it?

How must you eat chocolates like dark chocolate truffles? Don’t ever down it by gulping milk which mothers used to do to load up their kids with nutrients whenever there is an opportunity to do it. Washing down the chocolate with milk will likely prevent the absorption of the good components of the chocolates.

So, aside from the happy feeling dark chocolate truffles bring, being healthy is another wonderful benefit one could get while nibbling on dark chocolate truffles now and again.

2011年11月3日 星期四

Rejuvenating Green Tea Benefits For Charming body & Younger Skin

How can green tea be beneficial for skin & body? I'd discuss the magic effect of this traditional asian brew. If you would like to have a charming body & younger skin. It you would like to defer your body aging. My article may help you get some idea.

Ever wanted to flaunt your body in a bikini but afraid to expose the flabby, muffin tops and love handles to be exposed? How else can you address these but exercise which is the most likely solution. Nowadays, who has time to hit up the gym and do crunches? It is so convenient with an answer in the cupboard, get on with the green tea diet.

Effective weight management has been long related to drinking green tea. This is somehow attributable to the cleansing or detoxification property of green tea. It cleanse the human system through excretion and elimination of unhealthy substances like excess fats from dietary inputs.

Weight loss is closely interrelated with the green tea diet because of its extracts. Studies show that when green tea is introduced in the system, it slows down the enzyme that digests fat so it is not absorbed and instead excreted by the body. That would be a refreshing, idyllic way of gaining a sexier body. The burning of fats without forming any chemical energy or thermogenesis is a process that is ushered by green tea diet. This process is one that benefits weight loss.

What is unnerving about other weight loss solutions are their adverse effects which is contrary to what green tea diet offers. Besides slimming effect, green tea is also useful in slowing down aging, skin damage by UV radiation, skin cancer, among others. Regularly taking green tea builds stamina and protection against cancer. With the green tea diet, prevention of gastrointestinal cancers can also be achieved especially with regular detoxification. Furthermore, green tea was also observed to play an important role in reducing perils of stroke and the prevalence of heart ailments.

Over and above these, green tea is also good for the skin. There are plenty of reviews regarding its usefulness as a topical ointment.

How can green tea for benefits the skin? Consider the following:

*Green Tea Fends Off Free Radicals. Free radicals are molecules that do not have an electron. This makes them unstable forming skin manifestations when exposed to elements like sun. Among the green tea benefits is helping the body fight off free radicals through its powerful antioxidant called catechins.

*Green Tea Counters UV Rays- In several studies it was shown that one of the green tea benefits include its ability to neutralize the damages done by UV rays on the skin. This was established in the study by the Case Western Reserve University in which green tea was applied as a shield against sunburn. One can say that sun’s effects on the skin are the principal causes of fast aging, and green tea could protect the skin form premature aging manifested by wrinkles on skin.

*Green Tea Defense Against Skin Cancer - In a study conducted by the American Chemical Society, it was proven that one of the green tea benefits is that skin cancer can be prevented through blocking a harmful enzyme known as JUNK-2. Taking two cups of green tea a day is all it takes to diminish the risk of squamous cell carcinoma ( a type of skin cancer ) by as low as 65% as shown in a study in UK. The same study also said that combining the drink with lemon increases its anti-cancer properties.

There are many other skin benefits that green tea is able to offer. It does not, however, work like magic. It must be taken regularly to optimize it’s effects. The metaphoric quest for the fountain of youth ends here, as the vibrancy of youth is offered by the incredulous Chinese green tea benefits.

2011年10月13日 星期四

Healthy And Slim With Green Tea Fat Burner

Green tea was discovered thousands of years ago in the orient by an emperor, so a story goes. The origin of green tea is the tea plant called Camellia sinensis. Once discovered, it quickly became the drink of choice making its mark all over the globe like Japan and the UK. Green tea is well recognized for its many health rewards, but has moved up the ladder of fame for its property to cause weight loss. The usefulness of green tea fat burner and its sensational rise in popularity is all related to its many health rewards and weight loss property.

Who does not dream of having a body to die for – slim waistline, toned muscles or aspire for a faster metabolic rate? Any right mind would point to exercise as the answer, yet the kind of life in this time and age where time is such a priceless commodity is hardly accommodating. So, in comes the sensational green tea fat burner. Aside from burning fat, green tea is also a detoxification agent that increases health and foster other benefits.

A beautiful lean body is a reward one may reasonably hope for with green tea fat burner. Catechin is the active component that is responsible for most health benefits. Catechin is the key component responsible for detoxification and its property as an antioxidant. Its activation necessitates the activation too of the green tea fat burner function. It works by suppressing the growth of baby fat cells to prevent them from storing fat. More importantly, the process also leads to the management of cholesterol and the diseases related to it such as coronary ailments and hypertension. However, the intake of green tea fat burner does not work like magic. For the desired results to be achieved, one needs to be dedicated to the regular pattern of drinking. It also needs to be coupled with exercise to boost weight loss and firm up muscles.

Green tea fat burner makes losing weight and gaining curves in the right places less daunting and more manageable. The fringe benefits, so to speak, are incredible particularly as an anti-carcinogenic agent. Create a program that will integrate exercise and you are on your way towards a fit body. This just sounds too good and too easy access to wellness and fitness.

2011年10月12日 星期三

Going For The Benefits Of Green Tea

This past decade saw to the rediscovery of green tea. Somehow, people are naturally interested of the benefits  of green tea because health is a serious concern for virtually every person. They can’t be blamed because there could be no better and healthier truth.

Drinking tea is so deeply entrenched in Chinese history and culture. Such is what is gathered based on the recorded history of the Chinese about 3000 to 5000 years ago. That was when they have started drinking green tea. It has reached the rest of the world only much recently. What is important is that the benefits of green tea are finally here for everyone.

One question that is frequently asked is what is in green tea that makes it healthy. The active ingredient is catechin polyphenols or epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Such claims merited the conduct of many scientific validations to support such. EGCG has been seen scientifically-proven to address many ailments.

What are those health benefits of green tea that everyone is talking about?
*It can inhibit the development and can destroy cancer cells.
*The unhealthy cholesterol or the LDL (Low Density Lipids) are reduced by EGCG therefore preventing onset of related diseases like heart attacks and other coronary diseases as well as hypertension.
*It has anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory capacities. Thus, it can alleviate pain and fend off infections, and even prevent acne, tooth decay and rheumatoid arthritis.
*EGCG is known as a potent anti-oxidant. It can therefore boost immune system as well as prevent wrinkles and early aging even of nerves.
*EGCG similarly has neuro-protective properties that can protect brain and spinal neurons against diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Besides having anti-inflammatory property, it has flavonoid that protects neurons from injuries as well as an enzyme that serves as a protein blocker; without which, nerve damage can occur.
It is also an efficient fat burner that is accomplished by speeding up fat utilization and overall metabolism. Green tea reduces cholesterol absorption by facilitating its efficient elimination.

They are unbelievably true. For love of oneself, why not start drinking green tea today?